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Early Childhood and Preschools

Early Childhood and Preschools

The Museum of Islamic Art offers early childhood education children and preschoolers experiential sessions of activities, drama, active tours and/or theatrical tours of Islamic culture and art. The visit includes creative art workshops inspired by the theme of the guided tour and the activities.

Islamic Art

We will be exposed to a rich world of art, artists and craftspeople. A multisensory activity in which the children will discover items made of various materials, produced in a variety of techniques, and their practical and artistic aspects.


Leisure Culture

We will experience the leisure culture in the Islamic world and get to know the forms of recreation and entertainment through thinking and memory games, silhouette theatre, music, tours, various puzzles and stories.

 Natural Medicine

We will go on a journey through the ancient world, during which we will discover the development of natural medicine and medical herbs in the Muslim world. We will discover the various medical books and the tools used for storing herbs and a variety of medicine, and we will learn about the natural world and the aromas of plants throughout the museum halls.

Clocks and Timekeeping

How does a clock work? What is time? How did they measure time in the past? This is an experiential tour of the unique collection of clocks and watches in the museum. WE will reveal the history of timekeeping and will address the importance of past and present methods of measurement.



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